Just follow these simple tips to maximize the growth of your hair:
1. Wash your hair regularly: Washing your hair regularly to eliminate dirt and unwanted elements like dandruff can help the growth of your hair. Regular washing of your hair doesn’t mean that you have to wash it daily with shampoo.
2. Wear protective hairstyles: Wearing protective hairstyles like French rolls or other types of hairdos are a good way to wear long hair, and mean you can grow your hair to the desired length.
3. Keep split ends moisturized: Always try to keep the ends of your hair well moisturised and regularly eliminate splits that can disturb hair growth. Apply oil or leave in conditioner to keep the moisture.
4. Eat plenty of Omega 3 fatty acids: Omega 3 fatty acids can aid long, strong and healthy hair. Explore rich sources of omega 3 fatty acids and don’t forget to include them in your regular diet.
Apart from these, regular conditioning, correct shampooing and eating healthy food can help you to grow long, healthy and thick hair.